The School of Laughs offers comedy classes live or online. Which situation is best for you?


If you live in the Nashville area I would highly recommend you take the live courses. Being around others who share a similar goal is a powerful learning tool. Not only can you interact live with the instructor, but you also have a group dynamic at play. When you offer up examples from your homework, you will get feedback from everyone in the class. Many perspectives make for great joke-writing. You may be given a perfect line to add to your joke. Or, equally important, insight as to why a joke doesn’t work.

Many people connect with someone in the class and end up being writing partners. I love seeing this happen. Having someone else to hold you accountable will spur more material. Others in the classes have gone to open mic nights together to support each other. The human connection is important and many relationships and friendships are forged.

One major benefit of the live StandUP Comedy Level One: WRITING course is that it comes with a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. This means that once you complete the course, you can attend any future live (in-person) Level One: Writing course at NO ADDITIONAL COST. This is a huge plus. You will be at a different level as you get more stage time. Attending the class with a new perspective will change the way you process that class info. Many students take advantage of this Lifetime Membership and it makes me happy to see them return and punch up their skills.


Obviously, you need to be available on the dates and times the class is offered. Sometimes you will need to wait for months to take the course. And, sometimes the classes sell out and you will need to wait even longer. Typically, each class is offered once a quarter.


Click any class to learn more:


Having access to the course online is a great option for those who have busy schedules or live outside of the Nashville area. There are short videos explaining each step of the writing process. You will cover the same content that we do in the live course. And depending on which level of the course you choose, that access is either 90, 180, or 365 days. This allows you to revisit the video portions anytime you like to get a refresher when needed.

The course comes with a 114+ page workbook aligned with the videos. Having the workbook gives you a chance to work on the material when internet access isn’t available. This really gives you access to the course 24/7. Homework assignments are reviewed via email. And the big benefit is you can go through the material anytime that is convenient for you.


Not having a group of classmates to bounce ideas from is a drawback for some. And, the energy and vibe of learning together are a benefit you would miss out on as well.


Click any class to learn more:


I understand that some people like to learn more one-on-one. And yet others would like to learn online but also have a group component. Good news! We offer a couple of options to solve this problem.


One-on-one coaching is perfect if you just need to bounce some jokes off someone and have them show you how to punch them up. Rates are $100/hour.

CLICK HERE to learn more or CLICK HERE to schedule a call today.


Club 52 is a one-year program designed to challenge you to get bigger, better, and more bookable. Once a week, for one year, you will be prompted to examine your material, performance, and business practices via email.

You will define your stage persona, style, and point of view. You will learn how to create expectations through your marketing, branding, and introductions. From nailing your elevator pitch to refining your value proposition, you will learn how to make it easier for bookers to hire you.

You will also be invited to a monthly online “hangout.” You will meet other comics from around the country. As a group, we tackle our top struggles and how to approach overcoming them. Think of it as your personal monthly mastermind group. If you can’t make the hangout, no worries. They are recorded and converted into an mp3 file for your convenience. Over the course of the year, you will learn how to get more gigs, and leverage every opportunity that comes your way.

CLICK HERE to learn more