This is a (3) date class and the investment is $200 total

Pre-register now by sending an email to and put “Improv updates Please” in the subject line.

We will sample many of the games you have seen on “Whose Line is it Anyway?” as well as many you may have never seen. You’ll learn the ground rules that apply to Improvisational Comedy. You’ll be onstage A LOT and will learn to trust your instincts.

“I’ve watched Improv for the past few years and thought – I COULD DO THAT! Well, with the help of Rik’s class I know HOW to do Improv and WHY good Improv scenes work. Those were the parts that I needed help with and now I am pursuing my dream!” – William Steadford

You’ll also benefit if you are pursuing stand-up comedy. All of the games in this course can be applied to writing and developing your material. Many students develop characters and bits that can be implemented into their stand-up routines.